No blue skies today

The tropical rain has been relentless these past few days. >150mm in fact.

We are now in our Autumnal Equinox in our Southern Hemisphere
From: 20-03-2015, 23:45
Until: 20-03-2015, 23:45
(though in Australia they tend to say our Autumn commenced on 1st March)

Thankfully that will mean no more 34C days, we will be enjoying our lush green gardens, listen to our rainforest breathing a sigh of relief and as our nights will be cooling as well, it will be time to snuggle up. Then before we know it the doonas will come out. Which of course is quite ludicrous as it might be only as low as 19C. But it is all relative to what we have climatised to.

What are the best months to be in the tropics? I favour any time between April and October.
Don’t get me wrong, I love to be part of and witness a fabulous wet monsoon season. If you have never experience it, that is another story.
To bare witness to see the heavens open up, with the heaviest of heaviest of warm rain is just as wonderful. It is just the humidity, the Midgies, the Mozzies, the March Flies that I would happily do without.
But I wouldn’t be dead for quids!

Enjoy the music “I love a rainy night” by Eddie Rabbit.

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